01 Our Values 02 Create your wedding 03 Our Services 04 About Us 05 Our Gallery En Es Cat Create Your Wedding We offer personalised packages to give you ideas for your dreamwedding or tailor your wedding the way you imagine it and beyond. Sea & SandCeremony on the Beach facing the horizonWild & CrazyLeather and chains, balloons, wigs & pink decorationUrban & VibrantCeremony on a Hotel Rooftop & Private ClubsGreen & EcologicalSustainable & Taking Fair Trade into AccountTake a Chance on MeWedding ProposalsFlair & Fairy TaleMediterranean Castle & Fireworks Choose your preferences,tell us about your wishes and send them to us Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Main IdeasSea & SandWild & CrazyUrban & VibrantClassy & Fairy TaleGreen & EcologicalTake a Chance on MeSea & Sand (Terms to choose from)Sailboat or YachtBarefoot Ceremony on the BeachHawaiian Orchestra or Flower powerDip in the sea between the ceremony and banquetPaella and Sangria Show Cooking at the ChiringuitoDecoration with Seashells and Pampas' GrassWild and Crazy (Terms to choose from)Pearls, Sequins & Drag QueensChains, Leather & LatexChocolate Fountains with Go-Go's (Boys or Girls)Tattooed ringsFire ArtistsPiano Bar and AbsintheUrban and Vibrant (Terms to choose from)Hummer limousine & VIP ClubsHotel Rooftop & Piano BarGarage or Industrial BuildingCocktail on a Hotel Terrace with ViewsInner City ClubbingOyster BarClassy and Fairy Tale (Terms to choose from)Choose the style: Great Gatsby, Game of Thrones or The Lion KingString Quartet or Opera SingerPink LimousineCava Glasses FountainHorse & CarriageClassic American Convertible (60s, 70s)Green and ecological (Terms to choose)Zero Plastics & Zero Waste (reuse of leftover food)Ceremony in the Forest or in a VineyardFlowers of the region with olive branches and eucalyptusEco Food Truck & Craft Beer / Ecological WinesShamanic Ritual with drums & flutesMaking an Entrance by BikeTake a Chance on Me (Terms to choose)Getaway to the Holy Mountains of MontserratLove is in the Air: Proposal in a Helicopter or Hot Air BalloonProposal on a Sailboat or a YachtFamous for a day, Proposal on TV or RadioPicnic in the Mountains or on the BeachProposal on Tibidabo with the city at your feetName *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Tell us about your special wishesI have read and accept the conditions contained in the privacy policy on the processing of my data to manage my query or request.Send